
    Public Notification of Additional Library Books To Be Added

    Please be advised that the following library books have been purchased to enhance the opportunity students have to access various library books. Please feel free to review this list. If you would like to look at one of the books, please contact our front office and we will make it available to you.

    Public Review of SEL Curriculum

    After a thorough review of SEL curriculum, the review committee recommends adopting the SEL curriculum provided by INFOCUS. The committee has reviewed the curriculum and believes it satisfies the requirements set forth by the State of Arizona to insure the curriculum meets the following outcomes:

    1. Improve academic outcomes free from distractions

    2. Treat every child with the same respect and dignity regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation

    3. Emphasize components of the Six Pillars of Character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship.

    Review the curriculum on the INFOCUS website, or visit the school and allow one of our staff to walk you through it.

    Internet Use

    We believe the Internet can provide teachers and students with a wealth of educational resources. Along with this great privilege, we feel a tremendous responsibility to teach our young people to be responsible as they use it. We expect all to be familiar with and accept our district’s policy for acceptable use of this technology.